Accepting a Document or Folder Invite

If you're reading this, you've been invited to securely collaborate on a document or folder protected by Sittadel. We do security for humans; this will be easy!

Hello There, Future Document Collaborator!

It looks like you’ve been invited to work with an organization that leverages Sittadel for its cybersecurity! We have a few checks in place to help keep everyone safe, and we promise this guide will be quick and easy to follow.

This guide will accomplish the following:

  • Accept a Document or Folder Invite

Applicable Scope: External Users


Accept a Document or Folder Invite

  1. Navigate into the email where you've been sent an invite. Look for an invitation email that looks like what is below. Found it? Great! Now, hit that Open link inside.
  2. Upon opening, a link validation page will appear. Click Next.
  3. You'll get an email with your security code. Just copy that code, paste it into the provided space, and hit Verify!
  4. A window will open up. It's just letting you know that they'll see you as a user on their end, and when you log in or edit, it'll be logged for safety. Nothing to sweat about! Click on Accept.
  5. A prompt to set up MFA authentication may come up. 

    ⚡ |  If you are logging in with a Microsoft account with MFA, this is already done!

    If it does, click Next. This authentication will be used when logging into the external tenant as a guest. Use the Microsoft Authenticator app on your Android or iPhone for this. Never used it? No problem!

      • Download the app.
      • Tap the little '+' on the top right.
      • Choose “Work or School Account”.
      • Tap "Scan QR Code".

    From there, scan the code and accept the prompt when it appears after clicking Next.

  6. An Interconnection Security Agreement and Terms of Use will be displayed one after the other; these should be read to understand the security policies of the organization. Click the Down Arrow, followed by Accept for each of these.
  7. Thats all! Welcome to the collaboration of the future!

    | Do remember that if you were prompted to set up MFA, you may be asked to verify with it when you access the document or folder.

You're Finished!

Congratulations on joining the real-time collaboration team. If you face any hiccups, we are an email away, providing security for humans! 👤📄