Emails, like socks, can sometimes go missing. No worries! We can look for it ourselves usually. If it still stays hidden, we'll chat with a friendly expert who can help us find it.
Where Is My Email
Emails come to us from everywhere, and we try to make sure you only see the safe ones. Sometimes, a friendly email might get tucked away for safety. If this happens, it's easy to let any mistaken captures back into your inbox. If you are expecting an email and don't see it, you are in the right place!
In this guide, we will learn how to:
- View you Quarantine
- Ask for Help Finding an Email
Procedure Scope: Users
Required Group Membership: N/A
View your Quarantine
Just as the title suggests, these captured emails get sent into a quarantine queue. This doesn't mean they were deleted; they are just waiting for you to give them the green light! Let's start by accessing our quarantine queue.
1. Select the Email Quarantine link from the Company Links bookmark folder, located at the top left of your screen in Chrome or Edge.⚡| If you don't see this bookmark, get in touch with a customer success manager at! In the meantime, you can view it from here.

2. Click on the email you want to retrieve. Details about the message will pop up. Take a quick look at key info like the Subject and Sender Address to make sure the email feels right.

3. If the sender and the email content match what you're anticipating, click the check next to the email and select Release.

4. It will ask you a quick question to help improve detection!
- If you feel it was held for a good reason, don't check the box.
- If you feel it wasn't held for a good reason, check the box.
After you've decided, click Release Message.
5. The email should appear in your inbox momentarily.
I Tried That; I Still Need Help!
If you have already checked the queue and didn't find your email in there, no fear! We just need to let our friendly experts know and they will be ready to help out. Let's let them know.
1. To get help finding the email, just send in a quick request. Drop a message to your IT contact or supervisor through Teams or Email, asking them for help. Need help with what to say? We've got a template right below for you:❓| Don't know who to talk to? Just email
“Hello, I have an email that I am experiencing problems with. It seems that an email from {Sender Email Address} with a subject of {Email Subject} is not showing up in my inbox. Thank you!”
2. An expert should be in touch with you soon. Be on the lookout for their response!
You're Finished!
It's normal to need to do this from time to time. If an email gets consistently held, and you would like to change that behavior, let your customer success manager know! If you face any other hiccups, we are an email away, providing security for humans! 👤📨