Data Classification Sensitivity Label Publication Creation Procedure

This admin procedure will provide background information on how to publish a sensitivity label that will be available to apply to items that fall within the scope of the label.

This article is intended for employees of organizations that use Sittadel's security. Additionally, there are some actions that can only be accomplished by those with administrative privileges.

Sensitivity Labels

Microsoft Purview uses sensitivity labels to classify and protect data, and the labels have a global scope that travels with the data. Publishing a label will either create a mandatory enforcement of labels being applied to items that fall within the scope of enforcement or allow labels to be applied by end user at their own discretion.


Procedure ScopeAdministrators

Required Group MembershipAdmin.DataLossPrevention


Publishing a Created Sensitivity Label

  1. Navigate to Labels – Purview, select Publish Labels.
  2. Select Choose Sensitivity Label to Publish, locate the policy you wish to publish and select Add. Select Next to continue.
  3. Next you will configure the groups that will have access to use the sensitivity label. Select Next to proceed.
  4. A list of enforcement for policy settings will be listed, from mandatory reason for removal of a label to requiring users to apply labels to items. Specify the restrictiveness of the settings as you see fit and Select Next to continue.
  5. You will be able to apply a default label that will be enforced automatically to all documents. Select Next to proceed.
  6. You will be able to apply a default label that will be enforced automatically to all unlabeled emails, you will also be able to require users to apply a label before being able to proceed with sending items. Additionally, you can require that the email inherit a label from embedded attachments classification. Select Next to proceed.
  7. You will be able to apply a default label that will be enforced automatically to all unlabeled calendar items, you will also be able to require users to apply a label before being able to proceed with sending items. Select Next to proceed.
  8. You will be able to apply a default label that will be applied automatically to all new Power BI content. Select Next to proceed to revisions.
  9. Once all of the settings are set, you will be asked to name the policy and provide a description of what the label is achieving. Select Next to proceed to revisions.
  10. At the revisions page, if you detect a discrepancy select the Edit button below the section that contains the incorrect information. If everything checks out, select Submit to finalize the creation process.
  11. A final prompt will display that the policy has been created and that it will take some time for the label to generate on the user application side. Select Done to finalize the creation process.

You're Finished!

You should have successfully published a sensitivity label that can now be deployed by end-users, additionally you can enforce a mandatory deployment of labels before any finalization of processes can be complete. For any other problems or questions, reach out to us!