Defender for Email Quarantine Release & Allow Action

This guide will show an administrator how to release a quarantined email to the intended recipient and create an allowance for the sender.

Role Requirements

Procedure Scope: Administrators

Required Group Membership: Admin.SecurityOperator

Handbook Reference

Package: TBD

Domain: TBD

Modifies: TBD

Defender for Email Quarantine Release and Allow Action
  1.  Navigate to the Quarantine – Microsoft Defender portal, locate and select an email followed by selecting the Release Email action. This will allow the email to be delivered to the intended recipient(s).
  2.  Select Release to All Recipients. Check the Submit the Message to Microsoft checkbox, along with entering a timeline to remove the allow entry. Optionally, a reason for the submission can help justify entries later on. Submitting allows the algorithm to be trained to allow emails like those in the future, and the allow entry puts that bypass in place until the algorithm catches up. Click Release Message. 

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