Defender for Email Submit and Allow Action

This guide will show an administrator how to submit a desired quarantined email to Microsoft for analysis and how create a temporary allowance for the sender or sender domain until the system can update the scanning criteria.

Role Requirements

Procedure Scope: Administrators

Required Group Membership: Admin.SecurityOperator

Handbook Reference

Package: Email Security

Domain: Sender Allowance Management

Modifies: Allowed Tenant Senders and Domains

Defender for Email Submit and Allow Action
  1. Open a desired quarantined email, locate, and select the three dots followed by selecting the Submit for Review action.
  2. The Submit to Microsoft for analysis flyout will open; Two out of the three fields will be pre-generated with email related information, locate and select the I’ve Confirmed its Clean option, followed by Next.
  3. On the following screen, select Allow this Message, along with setting the entry to expire after the desired amount of time and adding an optional note. Click Submit to finalize.

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