Device Application Creation Procedure

This admin procedure will provide background information on creating an application package deployment that will be carried out to the specified device group.

This article is intended for employees of organizations that use Sittadel's security. Additionally, there are some actions that can only be accomplished by those with administrative privileges.

Win32 Apps

If you would like to deploy applications down to computers, you must package the application in a method that is recognizable to Intune. This involves gathering the application itself, and then using the Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool to package the app.


Procedure Scope: Administrators

Required Group Membership: Admin.DeviceApplication


Packaging Win32 Apps

When packaging an app, you are allowed to use either EXE or MSI applications. One thing to note, however, is that MSI files will be much easier to setup, and it is recommended that MSI files are used exclusively. EXE can work, but there are a couple of extra steps involved.

  1. Download the Win32 Content Prep Tool from GitHub, by following the links in Microsoft’s documentation, or by finding the Win32 folder included in the deployment package provided. Ensure you have the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe application.
  2. To make the process as easy as possible, we include a Win32 Apps folder in the deployment package. If you do not use the included one, you can replicate it by creating a parent folder by the name of Win32 Apps with the child folders Unaltered Installers and Win32 Installer, along with the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe application at the very bottom.
  3. Within the Unaltered Installers folder, create a new folder with the name of the app you wish to deploy. For this demonstration we will be using Chrome.
  4. Place all the installation files within the folder. While Chrome only has a single file, others may have multiple. Whatever the case is, place the installer files within the folder as they are provided by the software.
  5. With the files in place, navigate back to the Win32 Apps folder. Right click on the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe file and select Run as Administrator.
  6. Upon opening the application, you will be presented with a prompt to specify the Source Folder. This is simply the app folder you made in the Unaltered Installers folder. A quick way to find this is simply copy the path from the file explorer window as shown and paste it into the command prompt window. Click Enter.
  7. The next prompt will ask for the setup file. This is the file which will be executed to start the setup. To find the path for this, right-click the file and select Copy as Path, and then paste into the command prompt window. Click Enter.
  8. Finally, it will ask for a destination folder. Navigate to the Win32 Installers folder and create a new folder with the name of the application. Copy the file explorer path as before and paste into the console. Click Enter.
  9. It will ask about a catalog folder; input N and click Enter.
  10. Refresh the Win32 Installers folder; you should see a new file with a .intunewin extension.


Deploying Win32 Apps

Now that the app package is created, it is time to deploy the app with Intune.

  1. Navigate to Apps – Intune, select Add, followed by selecting the Windows App (Win32) from the drop down. Click Select to continue.
  2. Click Select App Package File, followed by the Blue Folder Icon, then select the file with Open, and click OK.
  3. Information about the app will need to be filled in. At a minimum, fill in the Publisher box with the correct publisher. Other items may be entered if desired.
  4. The next step will ask for the install and uninstall command. This part will be fully dependent on the software creator, and revolves around the command line support the application has. For EXE files, searching for {App Name} Command Line Silent Install will usually yield helpful results in deciphering an install and uninstall command. For MSI files, the field should be pre-populated, and you are good to go. Ensure the fields are filled and click Next.
  5. Options for system requirements will be shown. At a minimum, the Operating System Architecture and Minimum Operating System fields must be filled in. These fields are at the discretion of the creator, as requirements may be unique to each deployment. Click Next.
  6. The detection rules must be set to detect if the application has installed correctly. For MSI files, clicking Manually Configure Detection Rules, clicking Add, selecting MSI as the rule type, and using the auto populated field should usually work. It is recommended that the File rule type is used though, inputting the path to the program within program files, the executable name itself, and the detection method to File or Folder Exists. This method is more effective because updates will not sidetrack the detection process. When filled in, click Ok followed by Next.
  7. You will be able to configure software dependencies for application installation, a device will have to have a prerequisite software before it will allow installation of another application; if you want to create a dependency the other software must have an Intune Application Deployment in place so that it can be used as a reference; click Next.
  8. You can also create a requirement that will replace or update a software with a newer application, if you want to create a supersedence you will need to specify the previously created deployment package that the current package will be replacing; click Next.
  9. Specify the way in which the app should be deployed, and to whom. Required will ensure that the app is installed on the devices included in the groups, while Available for Enrolled Devices will show the app in the company portal. For either, the assignment group of Devices.Corporate is recommended to install the application on corporate devices. Other groups may be used. Once selected, click Next.
  10. The review page will allow you to see all configured settings for the application creation process, if you detect a discrepancy at this stage make note of the section and select Previous to go back to make alterations before finalization. If everything checks out, select Create to publish the application.
  11. The application has been created and should begin pushing installation to computers; this deployment could take up to 8 hours.

You're Finished!

You should have successfully created an application package that will be pushed to the specified device group. For any other problems or questions, reach out to us!