Device Application Modification Procedure

This admin procedure will provide background information on modifying an existing application package deployment.

This article is intended for employees of organizations that use Sittadel's security. Additionally, there are some actions that can only be accomplished by those with administrative privileges.

Win32 Apps

If you would like to deploy applications down to computers, you must package the application in a method that is recognizable to Intune. This involves gathering the application itself, and then using the Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool to package the app.


Procedure Scope: Administrators

Required Group Membership: Admin.DeviceApplication


Modifying Win32 Apps

  1. Navigate to All Application – Intune, locate the application you wish to modify.
  2. Upon opening the application package, select Properties; all the information of the app will be displayed, from naming all the way to group assignment. 7 points of interest will be available to You can modify the sections as needed.
    1. App Information: Adjusts non-functional items of the application, such as the Name or Version of the application.
    2. Program: Controls how the application will be deployed through Intune, such as the system derived cmd commands that will be utilized to deploy or remove the application from the endpoint.
    3. Requirements: Specify OS specifications that need to be met by the endpoints for the deployment package to be initialized.
    4. Detection Rules: Specifies how Intune will look for the applications presence on the device, such as the file location, the msi location or registry value on the machine.
    5. Dependencies: Specify if any other software deployment packages need to be present on a device before this application can be initialized.
    6. Supersedence: Specifies if the current application deployment package will be used to update or replace an existing application deployment package.
    7. Assignments: Specifies which groups will be required, or optional for application deployment package instillation, as well as which groups will need to have this package removed from their devices using the uninstall section.
  3. The Sections will all have the same prompt for adjustments, either add, remove, or delete the setting and select Review + Save to finalize the changes.
  4. Once on the revisions page, if all the necessary adjustments look correct, select Save to finalize the modification process.

You're Finished!

You should have successfully modified an existing application package that will be pushed to the specified device group. For any other problems or questions, reach out to us!