Device Compliance Enforcement Report

This guide will show an administrator how to identify Compliant and Not Compliant Intune joined devices.

Role Requirements

Procedure Scope: Administrators

Required Group Membership: Admin.Security

Handbook Reference

Package: TBD

Domain: TBD

Modifies: TBD

Device Compliance Reporting 

  1. Navigate to the Device Compliance Report – Intune portal, locate and select the Generate Report button to return a list of all compliance statuses associated with Intune joined devices. If you want more granularity with a specific Compliance State, OS Type, MDM Status, or Device Ownership Type, you can utilize the Filters located above the report generation action to make these classifications prior to execution. 
  2. Once the Generate Report action has been carried out, you will now see data associated with the number of devices that are reporting in with a Compliant or Not Compliant state. From the generated list, you will be able to see the name for each device, the associated user that has joined the listed device, the current compliance status, the OS type and version, the device ownership classification, and the last documented time the device attempted to communicate with Intune Servers.
  3. From the Compliance Status column, we will want to turn our attention to the Not Compliant devices. The associated information tied to the device can be utilized in troubleshooting efforts to remediate the compliance deficiency.

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