Device Configuration Reporting Work Instruction

This work instruction will allow an administrator to monitor errors generated by configuration profiles on a registered Intune device.

This article is intended for employees of organizations that use Sittadel's security. Additionally, there are some actions that can only be accomplished by those with administrative privileges.

Procedure Scope: Administrators

Required Group Membership: Admin.DeviceConfiguration

  1. Navigate to Devices – Intune, this will show an overview of all registered Intune devices. Locate the device you are wishing to check the configuration profiles status on.
  2. When selected, navigate to Device Configuration. You will notice a list of all configuration profiles that are pushing security settings to the listed device. Be wary of any configuration profiles that are causing an error response, if any are noticed click into the profile erroring out.
  3. All of the security settings for the profile will be listed along with their individual statuses, for any errored-out settings make note of the code provided and begin remediation steps by searching for information related to the code.

You're Finished!

You should have successfully notated any errors captured by Intune for deployed configuration profiles and began remediation steps for the effected devices. For any other problems or questions, reach out to us!