DLP Policy Email Sender Exclusion Work Instruction

This work instruction will allow an administrator to create a DLP policy sender exemption that will apply to a specified inbound sender or domain.

This article is intended for employees of organizations that use Sittadel's security. Additionally, there are some actions that can only be accomplished by those with administrative privileges.

Procedure Scope: Administrators

Required Group Membership: Admin.DataLossPrevention

  1. Navigate to Data Loss Prevention Policy – Purview, locate the Policy you wish to create the exemption for and click Edit Policy.
  2. In the new window, proceed to the Advanced DLP Rules section and locate the edit icon next to the rule.
  3. Locate the Conditions section of the rule. To create the space for an exemption, you will need to select Add Group. (Note: This group acts to make a place where, despite any conditions above it, the specified parameters will be passed through without issue.)
  4. Select the newly created group and toggle the NOT switch to the on position.
  5. With not enabled, click Add Condition followed by locating the Sender Domain is or Sender is Type in the domain or sender that should be exempted from the policy and click Add.
  6. Click Save, followed by On the Policy Mode screen, make sure Turn It On Right Away is selected. Click Next.
  7. Review the changes one last time and click Submit. The exception has been created.

You're Finished!

You should have successfully applied a sender exemption that will bypass enforcing DLP policy on the specified domain or address for incoming mail. For any other problems or questions, reach out to us!