This guide will show an administrator how to access the Microsoft Entra Gallery to browse and initiate an Enterprise Application Integration addition.
Role Requirements
Procedure Scope: Administrators
Required Group Membership: Admin.Security
Handbook Reference
Package: Tenant Foundation
Domain: Enterprise App Management
Modifies: Allowed Enterprise Applications
These steps are critical to successfully initiating the application integration process. However, this guide does not assume responsibility for fully configuring the integration beyond accessing the necessary portal and initiating the add action.
It remains the responsibility of the administrative user to configure the additional items that are generated after initiating the application addition process.
Enterprise Application Addition
- Navigate to the Enterprise Applications – Azure Active Directory portal, locate and select the All Applications tab. A list of all connected enterprise applications that have been configured for your organization will be listed. Select the + New Application action to add a new app.
- Selecting the action above will display the Browse Microsoft Entra Gallery page, here you will see tiles for cloud platforms, on-premises applications, and featured applications. You can either manually traverse the gallery or utilize the search bar to search for a desired application to see if an existing Microsoft integration exists for it. If you cannot find an existing integration, you can select the + Create your own application action to manually create an integration for your application with your organization.
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