Identity Protection Confirm Sign-In Compromised Action

This guide will show an administrator how to confirm a system identified risky sign-in as a true positive.

Role Requirements

Procedure Scope: Administrators

Required Group Membership: Admin.SecurityOperator

Handbook Reference

Package: Identity Security

Domain: Risky Sign-Ins Queue

Modifies: N/A

Risky Sign-Ins Confirm Sign-In Compromised Action
  1. Navigate to the Risky Sign-ins – Azure Active Directory portal, locate and select a desired risky sign-in from the list.
  2. From the Risky Sign-in Details flyout, select the three dots followed by selecting the Confirm sign-in compromised action. This action should be taken after investigating and confirming that the sign-in attempt was a true positive.
  3. A disclaimer will be displayed detailing that the user risk associated with this sign-in will be set to high and new detection criteria will be considered to optimize future risk assessments on authentication attempts. Select Yes to identify the sign-in risk as real. Remember that if a risk-based conditional access policy wasn’t triggered and the risk wasn’t self-remediated as a result, you will need to carry out additional actions such as conducting a User Block, Password Reset, Revoking Active Sessions, Resetting MFA, Reregistering MFA, etc.

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