Identity Protection Confirm User Compromised Action

This guide will show an administrator how to confirm a system identified risky user as a true positive.

Role Requirements

Procedure Scope: Administrators

Required Group Membership: Admin.SecurityOperator

Handbook Reference

Package: TBD

Domain: TBD

Modifies: TBD

Risky Users Confirm User Compromised Action
  1. Navigate to the Risky Users – Azure Active Directory portal, locate and select a desired risky user from the list.
  2. From the Risky User Details flyout, select the Confirm user compromised action. This action should be taken after investigating and confirming that the user account is compromised. A disclaimer will be displayed detailing that the user risk will be set to high, and a new detection will be added. Select Yes to identify the user risk as real. If a risk-based conditional access policy wasn’t triggered and the risk wasn’t self-remediated as a result, you will need to carry out additional actions such as conducting a User Block, Password Reset, Revoking Active Sessions, Resetting MFA, Reregistering MFA, etc.

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