Inbound Connection Addition

This guide will allow an administrator to create a graylisting bypass for incoming mail from the desired partner organization.

Role Requirements

Procedure Scope: Administrators

Required Group Membership: Admin.Security

Handbook Reference

Package: Email Security

Domain: Connector Management

Modifies: Sanctioned Inbound Connections

Inbound Connection Addition

  1. Navigate to Connectors – Exchange Admin Center, select the Add a Connector option to start the establishment of a sanctioned line of communication.
  2. A pop-up will be displayed where you will be able to provide necessary configuration settings for the policy. Specify the Connection From prompt as Partner Organization since this creation guide revolved around Inbound communication. Select Next to proceed to establishing a name and description.
  3. The Name of the connector should reflect the organization that this allowance is being created for, the Description should reflect the details related to the line of communication establishment. You will leave the Policy turned on once the connector is saved, and you will conduct the necessary monitoring of email communication with the designated domain or IP to ensure that no failures are taking place. Select Next to proceed.
  4. The Authenticating Sent Email section will allow you to configure one of two options depending on the situation. Either a verification of the sender domain matching an established Domain listed or a verification of the sending server IP address matching an established IP Address listed. The same steps follow in list establishment regardless of which verification is selected. You will provide either a Domain or server IP Address in the designated text field and select the Plus icon to add the necessary information to the list. Once the information has been added select Next to continue.
  5. The Security Restrictions section will allow you to specify optional security requirements that need to be met in addition to the Authentication process. For this guide, we will not be requiring TLS encryption for mail sent from this domain and we will not be specifying an IP address range for the listed domain. Select Next to proceed to the review and finalization step.
  6. For the Review section, all the configured settings will be listed. If you detect a discrepancy in the setup of the connector this is the time to make the necessary adjustments, you can select the Edit option under each section to make these changes. If everything looks good, select Create Connector to finalize the allowance process.

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