On-Demand Email Statistics Report

The Email Statistics Report provides an overview of how emails have been categorized and handled over the past 7 days.

What's in the Report

Processing Status details the status of total mail, broken out by the areas it was categorized as and by. The Delivery Summary gives numerical values to the different types of emails, including Good Mail, Spam, Phishing, and Edge Protection. These metrics work together to provide insight into email threats at runtime, along with email utilization as a whole across the entire organization.


No Need to Customize!

This report comes ready to go; just request and receive!

Requesting Your Report

Copy one or more of these items directly into an email addressed to ClientSuccess@Sittadel.com, requesting an On-Demand Email Statistics Report in the subject-line. Edit the data for what should be searched specific to your needs, and send it over! Sittadel's Email Security Experts will take it from there, and send you back a PDF report within a business day!

⚡| If you need help choosing an option, or would like to know more, get in touch with an expert at Help@Sittadel.com! Alternatively, you can always email your CSM!