On-Demand URL Click Report

The URL click report tracks how often links are clicked within a certain period.

What's in the Report

 The Click Timeline graph shows when these clicks occur, highlighting times of high activity. The Click Summary indicates the number of allowed versus blocked clicks, which helps monitor web safety. The Top Domains section lists the most valuable domain information at a glance, such as top domains and whether those clicks were allowed or blocked. These metrics work together to provide a high-level summary of email URL click activity for the given timeframe.


Customize Your Report

The boxes below are the options your organization can choose from. The bullet pointed items are the information requirements you can specify, with their example formats following.

1. Specify Addresses/Domains - Optional

  • Sender Addresses/Domains: Example@Example.com, Example.com
  • Recipient Addresses/Domains: Example@Example.com, Example.com 

2. Specify a Subject - Optional

  • Subject Line: Subjective Subject

3. Specify a URL/Domain - Optional

  • Website URLs/Domains: Example.com, Example2.com

4. Specify a Timeframe - Required

  • Timeframe (30 Days or Less): (MM-DD-YY)-(MM-DD-YY) 

Requesting Your Report

Copy one or more of these items directly into an email addressed to ClientSuccess@Sittadel.com, requesting an On-Demand URL Click Report in the subject-line. Edit the data for what should be searched specific to your needs, and send it over! Sittadel's Email Security Experts will take it from there, and send you back a PDF report and detailed technical .XLSX file within a business day!

⚡| If you need help choosing an option, or would like to know more, get in touch with an expert at Help@Sittadel.com! Alternatively, you can always email your CSM!