Request a Screen Share

Sometimes, explaining a problem over the phone or email isn't enough. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, a screen share is definitely worth at least 10,000.

Getting Another Set of Eyes

We all hit bumps in the tech road now and then! Whether you're using a company device and need a nod from the admin to access certain apps or settings, or you're on your personal device and just can't figure out that one app – fear not! Your IT team has your back. With this guide, you'll learn how to let IT have a peek at your screen so they can guide you through uncertain waters. 

This guide will accomplish the following:

  • Asking for a Screen Share
  • Accepting a Screen Share

Procedure Scope: Users

Required Group Membership: N/A

Asking for a Screen Share

  1. First, we need to let someone know we need help; this is just a quick request. Drop a message to your IT contact or supervisor through Teams or Email, asking them to set up a screen share with you. Need help with what to say? We've got a template right below for you, just fill in the bolded areas:

    ❓| Don't know who to talk to? Just email

    “Hello, I would like to request assistance { Installing a Program | Changing a Setting | Troubleshooting an Issue}. {Give a Quick Description}. Thank you!”

  2. An expert should be in touch with you soon. Be on the lookout for their response! Once they have approved your request, you can move on to the next section!

Accepting a Screen Share

  1. Hop into the Quick Assist app on your Windows 10 or 11 device. Just a heads-up: There are two versions out there. Microsoft's nudging everyone towards the new one, so if you click on the original, you'll be guided to their latest and greatest.
  2. Hang tight for a second while IT kicks things off on their end. They’ll ping you with a 6-digit code. Enter that in and hit Share Screen.
  3. A name will pop up. Give it a once-over and make sure it sounds like your IT team. If it looks good, tap Allow.
  4. Your IT expert can now either watch or take the wheel of your computer. If they fancy a chat, a little chat box will show up.
  5. Got a sneaky password or private info coming up? No worries. Hit the Pause Symbol to give yourself some privacy. Ready to roll again? Click the Play Symbol.
  6. When you’re done and want your screen back to yourself, just hit that X in the top right of the Quick Assist window, and then Close. If you need to chat with IT again, you’ll start this tango from the top.

You're Finished!

By now, hopefully those IT experts have you taken care of and back in action. If you face any hiccups, we are an email away, providing security for humans! 👤💻