Request Device Admin Approval

Task Prevented Due to Administrative Permissions

With the creation of administrative groups, certain tasks will now be prevented from being carried out by non-administrative users. If you are being prevented from carrying out a task that you regularly use to do, you might need to submit a request to have permissions associated with this task provided to you.

This guide will accomplish the following:

  • Request Admin Group Permissions

Procedure Scope: Users

Required Group Membership: N/A

Request Admin Group Permissions

  1. In order to access administrative permissions, you will need to submit a request. Send a message via Teams or Email to the person over your IT or a manager. Let them know you would like to have administrative permissions to perform a task. A template for this message can be found below:

    ❓| Don't know who to talk to? Just email

    “Hello, I have a task that I need to complete that requires administrative permissions {List the task that is being prevented from being complete}. The reason I would like it allowed is to {Brief description of why}. Thank you!”

  2. The technical services provider will review the request and upon acceptance will proceed with the necessary steps to enable you to complete the desired task.