Sharing a SharePoint Site

SharePoint changes the game for collaboration. If you want to invite someone from another company to work on a SharePoint site with you, follow along!

Putting the Share in SharePoint

SharePoint acts like our secure digital workspace, ideal for internal team collaborations. However, there are times we need to bring in partners from outside our organization. Just like in any secure environment, we need to follow the right steps to ensure we grant access safely and then extend an invitation to our external colleagues.

This guide will accomplish the following:

  • Getting Approval to Invite Others
  • Sending Out the Invitations

Applicable Scope: Internal Users

Required Group Membership: Admin.Collaboration

⚡| Only SharePoint site owners can send out invites. To check if you're an owner, go to our SharePoint page you want to share, and click on "Members" up top. If you're listed as an owner, awesome! If not, ask one of the listed owners to perform this on your behalf. 

Getting Approval to Invite Others

  1. First, we need access to invite someone; this is just a quick request. Drop a message to your IT contact or supervisor through Teams or Email, asking them to add you as a collaborator. Need help with what to say? We've got a template right below for you, just fill in the bolded areas:

    ❓| Don't know who to talk to? Just email

    “Hello, I have an external company I would like to share the {SHAREPOINT SITE NAME} site with. I will need the User.Collaboration group assigned to my account, and the user(s) I would like to invite is/are {USER(S)}. Thank you!” 

  2. An expert should be in touch with you soon. Be on the lookout for their response! Once they have approved your request, you can move on to the next section!

Sending Out the Invitations

  1. Head to your SharePoint site. From the Home page, click on Members at the top right of the page.
  2. From there, click Add Members.
  3. Now, this next bit is a tad tricky: You might feel like typing in the username here, but hang on. This space is only for our internal people. To invite someone from the outside, hit the Go to Outlook button.
  4. Once you're in Outlook, click on the Members tab, then Add Members.
  5. Type in the full username of the person you're inviting. 

    Note: Auto-fill won't work here, so make sure to type the entire thing!

  6. Watch for a pop-up saying, "1 Member Successfully Added." Congrats, your guest was invited!
  7. Your guest will get an email saying they're invited. To make their life easier, send them our handy guide on Accepting a SharePoint Invite. You're such a champ for thinking of them!

You're Finished!

You've just made sure your invite is on its way. Soon, you'll be sharing and collaborating. If you face any hiccups, we are an email away, providing security for humans! 👤📨