Trusted Countries List Addition

This guide will allow administrators to add any necessary locations that reflect business operations.

Role Requirements

Procedure Scope: Administrators

Required Group Membership: Admin.Security

Handbook Reference

Package: Identity Security

Domain: Login Protection Management

Modifies: Sanctioned Countries

Trusted Country List Addition

  1. Navigate to Named Locations – Azure Active Directory, locate and select the Trusted Countries list. A pop up will be displayed with all of the currently configured trusted countries, this list allows IPs associated with the given country to be allowed access during an authentication attempt. Using either the text field or browsing the list select the desired country additions specified by management. This will allow users or partnered guests from the newly designated country to meet compliance checks when authenticating into organizational resources. Once the desired countries have been added, select Save to finalize the process.

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Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to discuss how a Sittadel cybersecurity analyst can assist in managing these tasks for you. New to our services? Inquire about arranging a consultation to explore optimizing your Azure environment for painless management.