User MFA Registration & Reset Events Report

This guide will show an administrator how to view MFA registration and reset activities that have been initiated by end users.

Role Requirements

Procedure Scope: Administrators

Required Group Membership: Admin.Compliance

Viewing MFA Registration and Reset Logs
  1. Navigate to the Registration and Reset Events Logs – Azure Active Directory portal, here you will find any registration and reset events that have been initiated by internal users. From this page you can see the date and time of the occurrence, the UPN (name@domainname) and Name associated with the user who initiated the registration action, the activity type that was initiated (registration or reset), the registration or reset method used (SMS, Microsoft Authenticator App push notification or code, etc.), and the status of the activity (success or failure). Filtering can be adjusted if you know specific information related to the event you are trying to explore.

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